List of Seeds

This list of seeds has been edited to ones that most people have a reasonable chance of acquiring provided they have access to a specialty food store or by ordering online. Besides the listed seeds, there are other edible seeds that are used more as spices rather than a larger element in dishes or on their own.

You can bookmark this site as a help for recipe ideas, shopping and garden planting.

Culinary Seeds

  • Caraway Seeds
  • Chia Seeds
  • Flax Seeds
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Poppy Seeds
  • Pumpkin Seeds/Pepitas
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Squash Seeds
  • Sunflower Seeds

In addition to this list of seeds, you can check out these other lists.
List of Vegetables
List of Beans
List of Peppers
List of Squash
List of Fruits
List of Berries
List of Grains
List of Rice